

                                                Sripuram History

A most magnificent spiritual park called Sripuram has been constructed at Thirumalaikodi. This Divine oasis is dedicated to mankind and all religions of the world. Today, we all live in a materialistic world. Every individual is trapped in the web of materialism.

Our devotion is always related to the attainment of material pleasures and fulfillment of one’s personal needs. Amma has launched Sripuram– Spiritual Park with the aim to infuse wisdom through materialism


“SRIPURAM”, the divine manifestation, inspires ordinary humans to realize the truth about themselves and transform into enlightened ones of Greatness.



The core of Sripuram will be the Mahalakshmi Temple. It will be the centre of attraction to the world. As explained, the world is stuck in materialism. So, if you create something which appears to be highly materialistic, the world would want to see it. People will travel great distances to see it.That is why Amma is building the Mahalakshmi Temple in gold. It will be the only Golden Temple in the world. There is nothing like it anywhere else in the world which is built entirely of gold. Thousands of people from all over the world will come to Sripuram just for the experience of seeing it. Their curiosity and excitement will bring them only for the purpose of seeing the temple and the gold. They will not come for blessings or guidance. So where is the message that we want to give the world? Where is the wisdom for the world?

If you try to give, sometimes the end justifies the means. Here, there is a bit of a trick. It is as if you have to give a pill to a sick child. The child is not aware that the pills are necessary for him to regain his health; he will not want to take the pill. However, because it is the mother’s prime duty to take care of the child, she sugar coats the pill. Now if you give the pill to the child, the child will take it as soon as he sees it. You don’t even have to ask him to take it; the child will just take it because it is coated with sugar. The child can’t see the bitter pill anymore- he sees only the sweet. In this way, both people are satisfied: the mother is happy because the child has taken the pill and the child is happy because he got a sweet.

In this story, the pill is inside and the sugar coating is outside. It is like this with the Sripuram and the Mahalakshmi Temple except, in this case, the sweet is inside of the pill. Since the world is stuck in materialism, the sweet is the Golden Temple and the world will come for this attraction. However, it will be coated on the outside with what we truly need, the medicine.

When people come to the Sripuram in order to see the golden temple (Mahalakshmi Temple) they won’t be able to just walk directly from the road to the temple. In order to get there, they will follow a pathway which is laid out in the shape of a star. Why did Amma choose the shape of a star for the path? In the same way that Amma has already explained that certain sounds, such as chanting, create good energy and vibrations; certain lines absorb good energy from nature (star shape). The path through Sripuram is in the shape of a star because the star shape absorbs good energy from nature. There will be many messages posted in the Star path. For example, messages about the purpose of human birth and human life; the things humans should do and should not do; the meaning of dharma and of righteousness; why people need devotion; and other basic information. So even though the world comes to see the temple, before they reach the temple, they will see Amma’s messages also; there will be message from holy texts like Gita, Quran and Bible. There may be a few hundred messages, but even if someone grasps only 2 messages, this will be enough to change his heart. This will help bring changes to his life. The more people learn, the more it will help them. Even if they only learn one message, it will help. In fact it will change their lives. If people understand the purpose of their birth, why they are here, or what they need to do, their life will be better. When people understand things like that, only then will they be able to change themselves. Those who have, until now, been thinking that they are here solely for their families, will realize that they are here for the world. It is with this knowledge, that they will be able to change things.

This world is not a group of people. Each individual is a world! If there is change in you, it changes in the world. If you want to change the world, first you have to change yourself. In fact, just change your heart and it will change the world.

So while people are walking on this pathway to the Mahalakshmi Temple, they will see and read these messages. There will also be an audio system which will repeat the messages in multi- languages. In this way, people from all over the world can hear Amma’s messages even if they can’t read them. When they enter Sripuram, their focus is just on seeing the magnificent golden temple, but when they leave, there is no way they can leave without taking some wisdom, some messages with them. This is the concept behind Sripuram.


 There are many doubts and questions, such as why we have to spend so much money on this? Why can’t we build a hospital or an educational institution? Yes, we could do more of that. However, by creating a hospital, you could treat maybe 1000 people in and around the area. On the other hand, by creating the place which will bring wisdom to the world it is equal to creating several 1000 hospitals. Until a person enters Sripuram, he may live thinking that he wants everything that the wealthy have. 

But after he has been through Sripuram, if he absorbs some of the messages and wisdom, he will realize that what we have is not just for us- it provides us with an opportunity to do something for others. If he gets this wisdom, when he goes back to his home, whether to another county or town, if he starts to do good things, the message will spread. If one person gets the wisdom and builds one small hospital, this means that when the whole world gets this wisdom through understanding these messages, then everyone will want to change their lives. Everyone will start to do good deeds. This means that this one place, Sripuram, will create several million hospitals. That is the purpose of Sripuram. At this time, it is unique. Nothing else like it exists in the world.

To create this thing, what do you need? Just money? No. If that were the case, India’s wealthy kings could have already come up with this idea. No one has ever created anything like this. You need Divine blessings. It is impossible to do these things with money alone; you need much more than that. The present world needs Divine guidance more than it needs dollars. It is the duty of Amma to give Divine guidance. The width of the pathway will not be very wide (9-12 feet) to prevent people from running. People will have to walk slowly. While they are walking they will notice Amma’s messages on both sides of the pathways. These messages are the medicine on the outside of the pill. This explains how as people go for the sweet, they will be given the medicine.

There will be many messages posted about the purpose of human birth and human life and many other topics.

 Arrangements for accommodations at the new guest house, depending on the availability of rooms, can be made by emailing in advance to the appropriate contact. 

Following mentioned are the tariff card for the Guest House:

 A/C Rs.500/- (Double Occupancy) Extra Bed: Rs.150/- 

Non A/C Rs.300/- (Single Occupancy) Extra Bed: Rs.100/- 

For further information or booking, contact Sripuram Guest House

Ph. No: 0416-2270303


Other facilities include round the clock security, good landscape, and huge parking area.

Parking area around Sripuram can accommodate about: 
500 cars
1500 two wheelers 
100 buses

Some amenities at Sripuram include-

Cloak rooms to leave your valuables and mobile toilets around Sripuram.

A multi cuisine restaurant called “Anna Lakshmi” can cater to about 1500 people.
A/C and non-A/C dining area.

Q complex to get into Sripuram would accommodate about 300 people and has attached toilets and cloak rooms.


Abhisheka Pooja Seva  

Sri Suktha Homam Seva

Pushpa Alankara Seva

Swarna Pushpa Archana Seva 

Gho Dhana Seva

Annadhana Seva

Maha Aarthi Seva

Vedha Parayana Seva

Divya Dharshan Seva

Sri Vastram Seva

Abhisheka Pooja Seva:  

In this seva, four devotees will be allowed to sit and have a darshan of the Sri Lakshmi Narayani Abhishekham, Alankaram and Aarthi.

Timing : 4.30 am to 8.00 am
Amount : Rs.3006/- (Except on Frdiay). On Friday : Rs.5004/- 

Sri Suktha Homam Seva:

In this seva, four devotees will be allowed to sit and perform the Sri Suktha Homam along with the priest in front of Sri Lakshmi Narayani at Saheshara Deepa Mandapam.

Timing : 9.00 am to 11.00 am & 6.00 pm tp 8.00 pm
Amount : Rs.3006/-

Pushpa Alankara Seva:

In this seva, two devotees are blessed to sit in front of Sri Lakshmi Narayani and can have the Aarthi darshan.

Timing : 8.00 am
Amount : Rs. 2007/-

Swarna Pushpa Archana Seva:

In this seva, one devotee will be allowed to sit and have the darshan of Swarna Pushpa Archana and Aarthi. After Aarthi devotee will be blessed with one gold flower from the divine feet of Sri Lakshmi Narayani.

Timing : 8.00 am
Amount : Rs.1008/-

Gho Dhana Seva:

In this seva, devotees are blessed to offer a cow to Ghosala, (Ghodhanam) and they can participate in Gho Pooja at Ghosala. Four devotees will be allowed.

Timing : 4.30 am to 8.00 am
Amount : Rs.15,000/-

Annadhana Seva:

In this seva, devotees are blessed to have the Aarthi darshan at Sri Lakshmi Narayani temple and are also blessed to distribute prasadam to devotees.

Timing : 8.00 am
Amount : Rs. 5004/-

Maha Aarthi Seva:

In this seva, one devotee is blessed to sit in front of Sri Lakshmi Narayani and have the Maha Aarthi Darshan after Neivedyam.

Timing : 6.30 am
Amount : Rs. 504/-

Vedha Parayana Seva:

In this seva, one devotee will be allowed to sit and have aarthi dharshan in front of Sri Lakshmi Narayani at the time of Vedha Parayana.

Timing : 8.00 am to 8.00 pm (Only on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)
Amount : Rs. 250/-

Divya Dharshan Seva:

In this seva, one devotee will be allowed to have divya dharshan of Sri Lakshmi Narayani.

Timing : 8.00 am to 8.00 pm (Only Friday, Saturday and Sunday)
Amount : Rs.100/-

Sri Vastram Seva:

In this seva, one devotee is blessed to offer 9 yards silk saree to Sri Lakshmi Narayani and will be allowed for Aarthi Dharshan.

Timing : 8.00 am to 8.00 pm
Amount : Rs.10,008/-  


"When there is prayer in mind, there is purity in thought."

"When there is purity in thought, there is kindness in the heart."

"When there is kindness in the heart, there is service in action."

"When there is service in action, there is harmony in the community."

"When there is harmony in the community, there is unity in the nation."

"When there is unity in the nation, There is peace in the world."

- Sri Sakthi Amma 


Sri Narayani Amma was born on January 3, 1976 to Shri. Nanda Gopal and Smt. Jyothiamma. It became clear from birth that this baby was very special. Amma was born with a distinct mark of the "Namam"(Divine Symbol), which was vividly visible to all. Knowing the meaning of the symbol, many recognized the child to be holy and very blessed, and from a very early age, Amma began showing a great interest in spiritual life. As a child, Amma participated eagerly in Pujas and Yagnas (Religious Ceremonies) and would insist on visiting temples and prayer sessions on a daily basis. When in primary school, Amma had a profound interest only in spiritual life, and participated in Pujas and Bhajans everyday. On many occasions, Amma would be absent from school and would be found in temple premises or at places where religious activities were being conducted. By the time Amma was sixteen, Amma was known to have the gift of performing miracles and manifestations. 

On the way to a temple one day, Amma was sitting in a bus by the window gazing towards the sky. Suddenly, a ray of energy traveled from Amma into the sky and took the form of Goddess Narayani. Goddess Narayani was dressed in white, adorned with 'Sanku '(Conch) in the left hand, 'Chakra' (Wheel) in the right, a Lotus Flower in the third and the fourth held up in the blessing posture. After the form was revealed, it disappeared and the ray of energy returned to Amma's body. Usually experiences of energy come from outside the body and enter it, but it must be distinctly noted here that the energy went out from Amma and returned after a form had been revealed. This signified that the time had come to disclose to mankind that an "Avatar" (Divine Being) had been born. 

On May 8th 1992, Amma proclaimed to the village that Amma is Goddess Narayani who has descended on earth. Amma showed extraordinary Siddhis (Miraculous Powers). Amma asked a landlady to close and open her eyes. The landlady did so, and what a surprise she had! She did not see Amma in front of her but instead she saw the Goddess Narayani with the lion. 
The Goddess in Amma spoke, “Whenever Dharma declines and Adharma rises, I take birth in the world. Now I am born here as Narayani, My Name is Sakthi Amma". "Amma" (Mother) is the name now fondly used by all Amma devotees. Amma is also referred to as Sri Narayani Amma. Amma is the 'Avatar' of Goddess Narayani who possesses the combined Sakthi of Goddesses Lakshmi, Durga and Saraswathi. 

Many miracles followed and many people came daily to receive Amma's Darshan (blessings), Prasadhams of Kungumam, Vibuthi, Fruits and Flowers and to get remedies for their problems and ailments. As the congregation grew, a Peedam was established around Amma, called the Sripuram at Vellore (Tamil Nadu, India). 

Miracles alone are not Sri Narayani Amma’s mission. Amma's Pujas, service, discourses etc. are all done to elevate people into the realms of spirituality. To raise humanity into Godliness is Amma's goal and Amma does this everyday. Amma now travels to different parts of the world spreading Amma's message and guiding mankind on the spiritual path. Amma's miracles and prophecies continue to alleviate people’s sufferings.

