
Information for devotees


Notes for Guests of

Sri Narayani Peedam


Please ensure that you complete in full all the required forms when you check –in to your room. Foreign guests are required to register passport and visa details upon arrival. Guests may also be required to submit a photocopy of their current Indian Visa. Accounts for accommodation at the guesthouse and transport should be payed for in Indian Rupees.


Shoes are never worn inside Peedam or inside the guesthouse. They are left outside the front entrance. Bring flip-flops, sandals, or some other comfortable, inexpensive shoes for walking around outside as well as back and forth from guesthouse to Peedam. It is best to avoid leather.


As per Hindu custom, devotees should take their shower/bath first thing each morning before changing into their clean clothes for the day –this is especially important before entering the temples or attending any pujas.

All guests are requested to wear traditional Indian dress at all times while staying at the guesthouse and around the Peedam.

Men: Kurta suit, dhoti with white shirt, or white slacks with a white shirt. While there are some instances where men may be asked to remove their shirt at the temple, it is NOT acceptable for men to walk around the Peedam or guesthouse shirtless. Pants must be full-length –no shorts or Bermudas.

Women: Please wear sarees or salwar kameez/ Punjabi suits. Women should dress modestly at all times

–This means no sleeveless or short tops, low cut necklines, tight–fitting pants, shorts or see-through clothing.

Generally sarees are worn for any formal occasions such as weddings or special functions. If wearing a sari, you will also need a matching blouse, underskirt and lots of safety pins. Don’t hesitate to ask a local woman for help if you are having difficulty tying a sari. Women wearing salwar kameez should remember to always wear the dupatta (matching scarf) when in public and especially in the temple. Guests can wear any colour dress, however bright colours -not black) are considered the most auspicious to wear at a temple. It is considered inauspicious to wear black or white to a wedding in India. In Hindu culture, the cow is considered holy. So please, if possible, refrain from bringing leather items (belts, shoes, wallets etc) to the Peedam.


Please take full responsibility for your possessions and valuables by locking your room securely when you leave. Check with guesthouse staff if you wish to leave your room key at the reception, otherwise please carry your key with you at all times.

If you are an overseas guest, please notify reception staff before you leave the Peedam or guesthouse to go into town for any reason (e.g. shopping, bank).


The Peedam is strictly ‘Pure Vegetarian’. This means that all meat, fish, poultry, eggs, and animal-based products such as rennet and gelatine are not to be brought into the Peedam or guesthouse in any circumstance. Dairy products are considered ‘pure’ foods however, and are therefore widely consumed. Much garlic, onion, chili and spice is used in the South Indian food served at the Peedam. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are served buffet style in the Kamala Nivas Dining Hall.


Breakfast: 8.00am - 11.00am

Lunch: 1.00pm - 3.00pm

Dinner: 8.00pm – 11.00pm

Water, tea and coffee are available to guests anytime they wish in the dining hall.

If you have special dietary requirements feel free to discuss this with guesthouse staff, who will do their best to accommodate you where possible. Guests are also able to purchase their own food from the supermarket in Vellore if they wish –this may be a good option if you wish to eat a more western-style diet during your stay. Guests are reminded to observe the vegetarian guidelines when purchasing any food to be consumed at the guesthouses –please check food labels carefully.


If eating with your hands, always remember to only use your RIGHT hand when bringing food to your mouth. Wash hands before and after eating.


Safe, purified water is freely available at the guesthouse -tap water should not be drunk. While you can refill your own water bottles at the guesthouse, bottled water and drinks can be purchased from shops and are safe as long as the seals are intact. Drinking green coconut juice (bought on the street) should be fine as it is sterile until opened, as well as being beneficial to health. Please ensure that you consume an adequate intake of fluid each day as it is relatively easy to become dehydrated (even in winter) without being aware of it.


If you become ill, please guesthouse staff, so that they can assist you if necessary. Mild dehydration, gastrointestinal upset and fever are relatively common conditions experienced by travellers to India. In most cases simple remedies (e.g. oral rehydration salts, a bland diet, paracetamol, etc) and rest will suffice, but always seek further medical attention as soon as possible if symptoms become worse.

Sri Narayani Hospital & Research Centre is a state-of-the-art hospital located directly next to the guesthouse. All guests are able to use the hospital for any treatment required, as well as the Pharmacy which supplies both hospital prescription and over the counter medication. Both are accessible to guests 24 hours/day.


Staffs regularly clean the rooms at the guesthouses and you are asked to be present in your room at this time.


It is not necessary to tip the staff (cleaning etc) at Peedam.


Monkeys can be a nuisance around the Peedam and the guesthouse.


-This contributes to the problem. Keep all doors and windows firmly shut when you leave your room and do not leave fruit/food out. Place all food waste inside the dining hall rubbish bins only. When walking around the Peedam or on the street, be aware that a monkey may grab any bag from you if it contains food.

DO NOT under any circumstance approach a monkey as they are aggressive and their bite can be extremely dangerous.


The laundry (“Dhobi”) man picks up and drops off laundry each morning at the guest houses. It is a very inexpensive and quick service. Each medium piece of clothing (i.e. shirt, pants) costs RS. 5 to launder. Smaller items (such as a sari blouse) cost RS. 3, while the rate for a sari is RS. 10.

Leave items to be washed outside your room the night before as they will be collected early the next morning (around 7am). Most times the cleaned items will be returned to you within one to two days. Men’s underwear is accepted for laundering, however women’s underwear is not –women usually wash their own underwear in their rooms. Try to have the correct money handy when you collect your laundry as the dhobi does not carry change.


Please DO NOT bring any cameras or cell phones into Sripuram or the Peedam as these are prohibited –it’s best to leave these locked in your room at the guesthouse. Taking photographs at the guesthouse or on the street is fine although it may be polite to ask local people first before taking their photo.


Internet access and an international telephone booth are both located at the Kamala Nivas reception. Please enquire at the front desk for assistance in using either of these services. Alternatively, guests can use one of the many public internet cafes located in Vellore if they wish.

· BEGGING -Do not encourage the practise of begging. It is good to be generous with others but this should be done responsibly. Amma has many assistance programs operating for the welfare of those in need including daily Anna Dhanam (free distribution of food to the needy). When you donate directly to the Peedam your contribution is utilised in the best way through AMMA’s direction.


In general, the Peedam and surrounding village is very conservative. Men and women should not hold hands or embrace

in public as this may cause offence.


Drinking alcohol and smoking is strictly prohibited at the guesthouse and around the Peedam. If a smoker, please be aware that bringing any cigarettes into Sripuram is prohibited, and any cigarettes, lighters or matches will be confiscated.


For travelling into town, the easiest option is to hire an auto rickshaw, many of which will found outside the entrance to Sripuram at the Sri Narayani Rickshaw Stand. For a short trip to the supermarket you can pay for a return trip, but you will have to pay for the driver’s waiting time while you shop. Alternatively, you can take a one-way trip and flag down another auto when you are ready to return –if most of your shopping will be in walking distance this may be a better option.

A one-way fare into from Sripuram to Vellore (i.e. CNR Officers Line & Filterbed Rd for sari shopping, Harish Supermarket) should cost around RS. 50. ALWAYS agree on the price before you get in the auto rickshaw as the meter is never used. Tipping the driver is not common practice unless they have been overly helpful or you have kept them waiting longer than is reasonable.


There is a 24 hour ATM located at Canara Bank next to Kamala Nivas guesthouse, which accepts international cards. You can withdraw up to Rs. 15,000 per transaction, depending on available cash in the machine. If you wish to change foreign currency into rupees you need to go into the bank in the morning with a photocopy of your passport each time you wish to make a transaction. You may be asked to come back later in the day to collect your cash if they have to order a large amount of currency from their main branch in Vellore.

There are also other banks in Vellore which have ATMs that accept foreign cards as well as money changing facilities which accept travellers’ cheques.

Puja Information

and Temple Etiquette

Although there is a general schedule of times for activities at Peedam, it frequently changes. Please do not expect things to run on an exact schedule, and it is best to check with staff for current information regarding the day’s pujas and activities. Generally there is a morning, afternoon, and evening puja at the Peedam.

· Morning Puja may start between 8.30-9.30am and may include the temple rounds and the Gho (cow) puja.

· Afternoon Puja usually starts around 12-30-1.00pm when Amma performs the daily abishekem of Mangala Narayani in Shanthi Mandapam. After this there will be an hour break while Amma dresses Narayani and Bhajans are sung. After the second part of the puja is over, Amma may give theertham to the devotees present at the puja.

· Evening Puja may start anytime between 7.00 and 8.30pm. Amma quite often gives theertham to devotees following the puja.

Some of these pujas may not be open to the general public and temple staff will advise you of this at the time.

Please observe the following customs whilst you are at the Peedam:

· Please refrain from physical contact (e.g. embracing, shaking hands) with others of either sex at the Peedam temples or Sripuram. It is customary to raise your hands at chest level (Namaste) and greet others with “Om Namo Narayani”.

· It is considered disrespectful to point the soles of one’s feet towards Amma, a sacred picture or object or a person. When sitting during puja, please cross or fold legs underneath you. Devotees may bring a small cushion or mat to sit on.

· Please do not touch Amma.

· Unless the hair is very short, women should always wear their hair tied up or pulled back off their face when going to the temple.

· When giving or receiving anything in India, always use your right hand. Any offering being given to Amma should also be placed in an offering basket –these can be provided on request from temple staff.
