

Due to Sri Narayani Amma’s boundless love and kindness for the children of the world, Amma has visited our lands and homes and is constantly uplifting all our lives. Our hearts cry out, “What do you gain from us, Amma?” Not a single day passes by when we do not feel Amma's Divine presence in our lives. All Amma's devotees collectively lament that they can never have enough to offer Amma in return for all that Amma has given to them. Some of their divinity-inspired experiences are submitted here with love at the Lotus feet of the Divine Mother.  

Miracles Blossom In Amma at School:  

  I was a Physics Teacher to Amma and I have experienced few miracles. Amma gave me a red rose and surprised me by changing the color within a few seconds. Amma converted all the students who teased him as his devotee by an incident by filling the entire classroom with flowers.  

Amma Miracles at home:  

  Amma’s old brother shared a few miracles of Amma in his childhood. Amma was always different from other children by being involved in pujas and worshipping God. From the age of twelve, every Friday Amma used to visit the family house in the Ariyur village to worship the anthill over there. The older brother used to hear about some of the miracles from the kids in Amma's school but he dismissed them as pranks.  

Amma’s Blessing on a small boy:  

  When a boy of six, met with a cycle accident in Vellore, he was badly injured and became unconscious for more than thirty minutes. The women standing nearby ran to Amma for help. Amma hurried to the scene and placed a foot on the boy's chest. The boy got up immediately and began to talk as if nothing had happened to him.  


Miracle of Amma towards Devotees:  

  A judge, who thought he would not be promoted, got the promotion by the Grace of Narayani Amma. Another judge, who did not get a groom for his daughter for many years, got it within three months with the Grace of Amma. In Singapore, the devotees got a metal Vigraha (idol) manifested by Amma, to their surprise the Vigraha turned into a Chinese Goddess.  

Blessing’s of Amma to the poor:  

  A poor woman living nearby the Peedam came to Amma for blessings. Amma gave her some neem (margosa) leaves. After a few seconds, the leaves turned into a Mangalyam, the holy jewel which is tied around a bride’s neck at the time of her marriage. 

Miracles are not Sri Sakthi Amma’s sole mission. Amma’s Pujas, Yagams, service, discourses and various community development projects are done to elevate people into the realms of spirituality. To awaken the spiritual being in each individual, to bring prosperity and peace to all mankind is Amma’s mission.

Sri Sakthi AMMA’s fame has reached other countries in the last few years. It is not only people from our country but there are also a number of foreigners who have received AMMA’s blessings. The entire world is going to chant the mantra ’Om Namo Narayani’ and attain a fortunate life. AMMA”s devotees come from Canada, US, UK, Germany, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan and from other countries and seek AMMA’s blessings. They follow our Indian tradition not only in the form of dressing but also in worship - by chanting ‘Om Namo Narayani’, folding their hands and worshipping to gain AMMA’s blessings. 

It is believed that as the people chant the six letter mantra ‘Namo Narayani’, they will be blessed by Sakthi AMMA who is the Avataar of Sri Narayani. The Divine Mother will shower Divine grace, reside in their thoughts and minds and will provide all strength, power and energy to achieve success. It will be nothing but happiness and bliss in their lives thereafter!