
Sri Narayani Peedam



Amma was born on 3rd January 1976 to Shri. Nanda Gopal and Smt. Jothiamma. He was named as “Sathish Kumar”. The child had a distinct mark on the forehead, a Divine Symbol of “Namam” that was visible to all. Many saw this symbol as holy. Even as a primary school student Amma evinced interest only in spiritual life. He used to participate in Poojas and Bhajans. Even absenting from school, Amma used to visit temples or places where religious activities were conducted. One day Amma was in a bus, on the way to a temple. He was sitting by the side of a window in the Bus. He was gazing the sky. Suddenly a ray of energy emanated from Amma into the sky and took the form of Goddess Narayani dressed in a white sari (This Narayani Form is in the main temple). The Goddess was adorned with ‘Sanku’ (Conch) in one hand, ‘Chakra’ (Wheel) in the second, a Lotus Flower in the third and the fourth was in a posture of showering ‘Blessings’. Soon the vision of the Goddess disappeared and the emanated energy returned back to Amma.  
  On 8th May 1992. when Amma was just 16, he went over to the home of an elderly lady (Amma and parents lived in a home rented out by this Elderly lady) and disclosed who Amma really was. Amma appeared before the elderly Lady with a vision of Narayani. Amma declared that henceforth his Name is ‘Sri Sakthi Amma’ (‘Amma’ – as is now called by the devotees).

The Goddess in Amma spoke, “Whenever Dharma declines and Adharma rises, I take birth in the world. Now I am born here as Narayani”. "My Name is Sakthi Amma". "Amma" (Mother) is the name now fondly used by all Amma devotees. Amma is also referred to as Sri Narayani Amma. Amma is the 'Avatar' of Goddess Narayani who possesses the combined Sakthi of Goddesses Lakshmi, Durga and Saraswathi.  
  Amma's pujas, service, discourses etc. are all done to elevate people into the realms of spirituality. To raise humanity into Godliness is Amma's goal and Amma does this everyday. Amma now travels to different parts of the world spreading Amma's message and guiding mankind on the spiritual path. Amma's miracles and prophecies continue to alleviate people’s sufferings.  
  * Namam: Pertaining to Amma it is called " SRI SHOORANAM" meaning MAHALAKSHMI the Goddess of Prosperity. It is customary to chant God's name and apply either vibuthi or kumkum or both. Some apply it as three lines horizontally across the forehead with vibuthi or in a U shape with vibuthi and a red (Kumkum) line in the centre. The significance of the Namam is that God is with you and you will always think, say and do the right thing. “Good Thoughts, Good Words and Good Actions”.


The Divine Mother Divine has now come to re-establish righteousness in mankind. Several centuries ago many saints and sages (Siddars and Devas) conducted religious practices, penanced and prayed for Divinity to descend on earth. In the Kaliyuga, their wish has been fulfilled by Amma who descended at “Narayani Amma” on this very same soil of Thirumalaikodi in Vellore. Amma declared that a “Swayambu” (self emanating vigraha) would appear on 11 sep 1992. Several thousands of peoples had gathered to witness the miracle that was to occur as predicted by Amma. Precisely in evening, the revelation occurred and Swayambu vigraha of Sri Narayani emerged from the earth. A small temple has now been constructed. Behind the swayambu a 'Puththu' also began to emerge several weeks later. This temple was consecrated on 09 Jan 2000.  
  A unique temple for Goddess Sri Narayani – the first of its kind every stands majestically at Thirumalaikodi. The temple tower (Vimanam) is built with artistic finesse in the octagonal (Ettuppattai) shape rising up to 63 feet high. This has been constructed over a period of four years. The temple consecration (Maha Kumbabhishekam) was performed by Amma on 29th January 2001.

"Santhana Lakshmi " (Goddess of Children) is also installed inside the Swayambhu Temple, just behind the anthill. An Akhanda Deepam (Eternal Lamp) is always burning bright in this Sannidhi (shrine), showing light to all the spiritual aspirants. Going around inside the Swayambhu Temple bestows the devotees with the grace of the Divine Mother and the 18 Siddhas. Amma’s “Arul Vakku” (Divine Prophecy) is that grievances of people would be reduced if they worshipped the Goddess after pouring ghee in the “Akhandha Deepam” located in the Swayambhu Temple and walked around the Swayambhu nine times with prayer in their hearts.


Amma conducts regular Pujas every single day. The day begins with Ganapathi Puja, followed by Viswaroopa Dharshan, Namasmaranam, Putthu Puja, Gaja Puja, Surya Puja, Tulasi Puja, Narayani Yagam, Gho Puja, Swayambhu Puja, Durga Puja, Narayani Abhishekam, Alankaram and Deepa Aradhana.


Amma conducts a grand yagnam every fully moon day for the peace and prosperity of the whole universe. Many different kinds of fruits,flowers, Cereals and Savourites are used to be offered in to the fire amidst chanting Of slogans and mandhras by a group of priests.  
  This Pournami is special. This Pournami is called Guru Pournami or Guru Poornima. In Hindu Dharma and in many other religions, only on this day many saints and god men have taken their Avatar. That is why we call this as Guru Pournami, the Pournami which brings the total blessings of Guru. What Amma is going to tell you on this special day is: Be happy. You may ask how is it possible to be happy amidst all our problems and difficulties. The answer is Amma is with you. For example if you ask some one why he/she has taken part in this Yagam; one will say for the prosperity of my business. Another one will say for the well being of his/her children. Some one will say for a good health. Yet another one will say I should not get more scolding from my wife. Every body has some reason or the other for taking part in a pooja or taking part in a Yagam or conducting a Yagam. For you every one has some reason.  
  But why Amma is doing all these poojas and Yagams? For whom? Amma does not have problems that you have. Amma is doing all these poojas and Yagams for you all. The happenings and deeds starting from morning to night here are all for you. That is why I told you,” Be happy; don’t worry; Amma will take care of every thing.” Every one has to attain the status of Guru. That is a great blessing. Guru is the incarnation of God head itself descending on to earth for removing all sufferings of mankind and for giving happiness and wisdom. So, on obtaining a Guru there is no necessity for searching for God. Having a Guru is a big strength. It’s like having an advocate. In the court of fate, Guru is like an advocate in front of Navagraha, the judge. Fate of Karma is the reason for all the sufferings I a man’s life. The sin which committed in the previous births follow him birth after birth through sufferings. The power which can safe guard mankind from fate lies only with Guru. If the fate is to suffer for 10 days, with the blessings of Guru it will be reduced to 3 days. That power lies only with Guru. It is essential to have a Guru in every one’s life. Every thing is set for the benefit of mankind in person of Guru. So, on this auspicious day accept Amma as your Guru and be happy. 

  I bless that all the life beings on this universe be happy, peaceful and graceful.



Due to Sri Narayani Amma’s boundless love and kindness for the children of the world, Amma has visited our lands and homes and is constantly uplifting all our lives. Our hearts cry out, “What do You gain from us, Amma?” Not a single day passes by when we do not feel Amma's divine presence in our lives. All Amma's devotees collectively lament that they can never have enough to offer Amma in return for all that Amma has given to them. Some of their divinity-inspired experiences are submitted here with love at the Lotus feet of the Divine Mother.  
Miracles Blossom In Amma At Schooling:  
  I am a Physics Teacher to amma experienced few miracles by him. Amma gave me a red rose and Surprised me by Changing the color with in a few seconds. Amma converted all the students teased him as his devotee by an incident filling entire classroom flowers.  
Amma Miracles at home:  
  Amma’s old brother shared few miracles of amma in his childhood, he was always different from other children involving him in pujas and worshipping God.From the age of twelve, every Friday Amma used to visit the family house in the Ariyur village to worship the anthill over there. The older brother used to hear about some of the miracles from the kids in Amma's school but he dismissed them as pranks.  
Amma’s Blessing Over A Small Boy:  
  When a boy of six, met with a cycle accident in Vellore, he was badly injured and became unconscious for more than thirty minutes. Women standing nearby ran to Amma for help. Amma hurried to the scene and placed a foot on the boy's chest. The boy got up immediately and began to talk as if nothing had happened to him.  
Miracle Of Amma toward’s Devotee’s:  
  A judge, who thought he would not be promoted, got the promotion by the Grace of Narayani Amma. Another judge, who did not get a groom for his daughter for many years, got it within three months with the Grace of Amma. In Singapore, the devotees got a metal Vigraham (idol) manifested by Amma, to their surprise the Vigraham turned into a Chinese Goddess.  
Blessing’s of Amma To Poor:  
  A poor woman living nearby the Peedam came to Amma for blessings. Amma gave her some neem (margosa) leaves. After a few seconds, the leaves turned into a Mangalyam, the holy jewel which is tied around a bride’s neck at the time of her marriage. 

 Contact Us
  Sri Narayani Peedam  
  Vellore - 632055.  
  Tamilnadu, India.  
  Phone : 91 - 416 - 227 1202 / 227 1844  
  Fax : 91 - 416 - 227 1777  
  E - mail : amma@srinarayanipeedam.org  
The Sri Narayani Peedam is located in Malaikodi, a small village about 8 kilometres outside the town of Vellore, and about 145 kilometres from Chennai in the southern state of Tamil Nadu, India.