
Sripuram – A Spiritual Oasis

Sripuram is an aesthetic and sculptural wonder – the only one of its kind in the world that has been created by Sakthi AMMA - a golden temple for Goddess Sri Mahalakshmi spreading golden radiance, majestic in its splendour and auspicious in its form. There is no comparison for this Goddess Sri Mahalakshmi temple anywhere else in the world. Spread across 100 acres of land, the beauty of this place cannot be described in words. The artistic grandeur and the sanctity of the temple are comparable to the creation of Indraloka. Who other than Sri Narayani can explain the subtlety and nuance of the place? Thousands of people visit the temple everyday to worship and are blessed with prosperity. There is nothing else that can provide such immense happiness.

Why did AMMA create Sripuram? AMMA explains thus:

“Being born as a human is considered to be very fortunate as compared to other living beings. Only human beings know to love others, do service, derive happiness out of it and make other living beings happy. It is only by performing service, showing love and affection and caring for others that we can reach the Divine. The Goddess Mahalakshmi temple helps us understand this truth.

Today, the world is filled with suffering. The reason for the suffering is worldly desires. The term worldly desire is called ‘Lowkeekam’ in Sanskrit. Desire is the reason for all kinds of adversity. Human beings do not understand the purpose of being born as human beings. Therefore they fall into the trap of desires and are like the deer caught in the net facing a lot of agony and distress. The happiness derived from the service being done for other human beings is greater than the joy derived by the senses. The former type of happiness is the key to open the lock of Divine bliss.

People from all over the world should visit the golden temple, worship Goddess Sri Mahalakshmi and should acquire progression in life. This is the love and grace that AMMA showers on the people who are trapped in the mire called desire. We should understand AMMA’s message and try to do whatever service we can with a lot of love and affection. Human beings are the only ones who have acquired the ability to make the world a better place to live in.

However, people seem to have forgotten and neglected all this and are focusing only on the materialistic life. Each man’s thoughts centers around himself, each family focuses on themselves, and each country’s spotlight is only on itself – this is the state of narrow mindedness that seems to be ruling the world. No one seems to be revealing love which is the Divine thread that unites all human beings.

Thus human beings are steeped in materialism which is like a marshland or a swamp and Sripuram stands up as a motivating factor to make them understand the Divine presence. The Mahalakshmi temple in Sripuram and its brilliance is positioned as a light house that represents the direction for faith, knowledge and spirituality. While entering the temple, people will have to take the path which is in the form of a ‘Star’. 

The lines in the star form have the exclusive characteristic of being able to absorb good energy and vibrations from nature for human beings. The path is adorned on both sides with fundamental spiritual messages and sayings that are common and important to all human beings from all religions in a simple and easily understandable way in different languages. While walking along the ‘Star’ path, one gets the opportunity to see, read and comprehend the messages such as the purpose of birth, the objective of life, the things that human beings should do and should not do, the importance and need for devotion. These rare messages are distinctive and cannot be found in other temples. They are AMMA’s thoughts converted into messages and messages from the holy text and scriptures from other religions also.

It is sufficient for a person who visits the temple to grasp at least one or two of these messages and retain them. This awakens the hidden spirituality and untapped potential in him and he reaches a state of Self Realisation. This change occurs not only in him, but he also gains strength and belief to change his family and others in the world. In this manner a number of families and friends benefit out of this transformation. The world becomes spiritual and there is happiness everywhere with no room for suffering.

When people enter Sripuram, their focus is just on seeing the magnificent golden temple, but when they leave there is no way they can leave without carrying some wisdom, some message with them. This is the concept of Sripuram. It gives great solace to the people who are caught in the web of materialism and desire.

If a person is ill, he visits the hospital and he is cured. Materialistic desire is an illness of the mind. Sripuram is the hospital that cures the illness of the mind. The knowledge and the spirituality that resides in Sripuram is the medicine that cures him. A hospital cures the body. Sripuram treats and heals the mind and strengthens the soul.

Moreover, Sripuram is also a web of knowledge and wisdom. An ordinary web creates problems for us but a spiritual web opens up vistas of immense happiness. Through this web of knowledge one reaches the profound bottomless depth of Divinity and spirituality. This changes him and his life. It is certain that the vivacity that he has attained enables him to serve other human beings, share love and affection with them. Most importantly he gets the blessings of Sri Narayani and will be able to continue his entire life with no distress but only endless happiness and joy.”