


The compassion of the Divine gives us the benevolence of the five elements such as Earth, Water, Fire, Wind and Space to help us lead an excellent life. Everything is contained within these 5 elements. Pooja is a way of showing our love and affection for the Divine which provides these resources in abundance to us. Each person does pooja based on his affordability. When individuals perform pooja it is done with the objective of gaining the blessings of the Divine for betterment of their lives. Hence it is self-centered. But the Pooja that Sakthi AMMA does for Mangala Narayani is for the betterment of the lives of all human beings. In fact, the Mangala Narayani pooja is done with the sole objective of the well being of all living beings in the Universe.

Mangala Narayani

‘Mangalam’ means ‘auspicious’. Sri Narayani blesses all human beings to lead a prosperous life. The Divine provides all the goodness and removes all evil from the lives of all human beings and therefore is called the Divine Mother of the Universe. It is only in Thirumalaikodi that the Divine Goddess Mangala Narayani is adorned with such embellishments and decorations and this cannot be seen anywhere else in the world. The Pooja for Mangala Narayani is done by Sakthi AMMA and if one gets to worship Mangala Narayani the sufferings associated with their life will disappear. And they will enjoy happiness in their lives.

Sakthi AMMA’s Mangala Narayani Pooja

Sakthi AMMA performs abhishekam for Mangala Narayani with 27 different types of items such as milk, honey, sandal, panchamirtham(a mixture of fruits, honey, jaggery, crystal sugar, cashews and raisins etc.,) turmeric, kumkum, rose water, rice, tender coconut water etc.,. Following this, Mangala Narayani is decorated with silk cloth, jewellery, flowers and then the adoration with lamps, camphor, incense and samaram (fans) is completed. The blessings thus received from Mangala Narayani are then bestowed on all human beings. One should consider himself fortunate to attend such poojas.


Sakthi AMMA’s eyes are closed for prayer following the completion of Poojas for Mangala Narayani. When AMMA is in prayer, AMMA gathers together all the living beings in this Earth in the mind and prays for their well-being. So, all the sufferings of the living beings are gradually reduced and they reach a state of prosperity. A pregnant mother takes medicines and selective, tasteless food and is willing to do more sacrifices for the sake of the well-being of the unborn child that she is bearing. Similarly, Sakthi AMMA performs meditation and prayer for the well being of all human beings.


At the end of the pooja, AMMA gives Theertham (holy water) to all the devotees who have attended the pooja. This theertham is not ordinary water. Sakthi AMMA gathers all the Powers of the pooja and mingles it in the theertham. This gives the theertham extraordinary strength which AMMA gives to all the devotees. Therefore, we should accept the theertham with great respect and faith and apart from drinking it, if we sprinkle some drops of the theertham on our head, it purifies the inner and outer state of mind and body and creates an environment for the Divine to reside. The theertham cures all illnesses and relieves us of all our mental disturbances and helps us attain joy and happiness in our lives.