
Beloved Amma's - Q & A

SRI SAKTHI AMMA – Q & A – Daily Thanthi – 13th April 2008

Q 1: If we utter the name of God / the Divine in our minds and pray fervently, will all our wishes be fulfilled? Or should we recite / chant the mantras that are appropriate to each God to get our wishes fulfilled? (P Karuppannathan, Kaayal)
A: In this Kaliyug, it is essential to do “Nama Smaranam” or chanting of God’s name repeatedly. This simple method of prayer will yield splendid results. You can also chant mantras or recite slokas.

Q 2: I am a college student. 99% of students like me are studying only to seek employment and earn a good salary. Because of this, there is a lot of competition amongst us. We also pray ardently to God saying “God, please give us a chance to be successful in the campus interviews.” It seems that we are studying hard only to earn a good salary and this thought creates frustration in our minds and life. What should we do? (Vanitha, Cuddalore)
A: If one can attain everything with money, then why would the Americans who are considered to have reached the summit of richness come to India to seek inner peace? Therefore, you cannot achieve everything with money. Being wealthy is a state where you realize that God has given you an opportunity to do good to all other human beings. Only when this thought occurs in your mind, good things will result with the money you have.

Q 3: This day and age is full of competition. “Think good thoughts, speak good words, do good deeds, all good things will happen to you” – Will there really be any result if one follows this saying? (M.N.Kannan, Nilagiri)
A. One can succeed in any level of competition if one has Divine strength. To achieve this, good thoughts, good deeds and good words are very essential.

Q 4: Some people who are sick and ailing say that they have been cured because they have visited temples and prayed for cure. If this is true, then won’t people think that hospitals and doctors are not required for curing sickness? (Dhanalakshmi, Madurai).
A: The result for each person depends on the faith he has in the Divine. There have been people who have not visited a hospital but have been cured of their sickness purely by their faith in God. There have also been instances where people have gone to the hospitals but have been cured by their faith in God which has been acknowledged by the doctors in amazement as ‘the Divine wonder’.

Q 5: Today, in many homes we find that the relationship between a husband and wife suffers due to differences in opinion and this leads to separation. What should one do to fill the home with happiness? (A.R.Valampuri Nagarajan, Erode -11)
A: The opinion that ‘Men and women are equal’ has been wrongly interpreted and this is the reason for such confusion in the lives of people. Both men and women should realize their responsibilities / Dharma and attempt to lead a spiritual life. This will create immense happiness in the family. 

Q 6: Visiting temples in this day and age is like visiting tourist spots. Will temples become places of entertainment in the future? (R.Periandavar, Nellai)
A: Even if you visit temples as a tourist, if you go with devotion and faith, you will get the Divine blessings in its entirety.

Q 7: All temples have large crowds of devotees today. Does this show devotion or faith in God? Or does this indicate an increase in sufferings and problems? (Kumaresan, Ooty).
A: People who have everything visit temples to gain peace. People who have problems visit temples in search of solutions.

Q 8: I am an atheist. What would you like to say to people like me? (Guruparan, Krishnagiri)
A: You are also a human being. Think good thoughts, do good deeds.

Q 9: If your neighbour is leading a good life, his neighbour does not like it. They even refuse to provide water. What is the reason for the increased selfishness of mankind? (Anupama, Bangalore)
A: A desire that we should be the only ones to enjoy; Ignorance that makes them believe that they will definitely be able to enjoy.

Q 10: I am married and I have 2 children. My mind is moving towards spirituality. “Do not be like this in this age” is what my friends are advising me. What should I do? (P Ramaswamy, Rajapalayam)
A: The path of Spirituality leads you to have exalted thoughts and high standards of discipline. Spirituality is essential for all. Therefore, you can continue to perform your duties and still be engrossed in the path of spirituality that will provide you inner peace.

Q 11: A friend of mine who is thoroughly dishonest is leading a happy life. I am always truthful, but I am suffering a lot. Why is God testing me like this?
A: Even though you think you are suffering, God is actually reducing your sins and providing you happiness. Only when gold is rubbed again and again will it gain more sheen. Likewise your sufferings will actually result in goodness to you. Amma blesses you to lead a trouble-free and happy life.

Q 12: “Each person’s mind is God” is my opinion and so I do not visit temples. In fact, due this state of mind I feel that I have matured in my thinking. Is this state of mind right? (Anandhi, Chennai)
A: You cannot realize God only through your intelligence. All encompassing Love and compassion should be created in the minds of each and every individual who thinks of God. Only then he can reach a matured state of mind. When you are able to shower unlimited love and affection and show compassion to the poor and the needy, it is then you have reached the state of realization of God. 

Q 13: I do not have mental peace. Will I be able to get mental peace by praying to God? (Thamarai Nilavan, Thiruthuraipoondi).
A: God is the embodiment and the form of absolute peace. Therefore, when you think of this Almighty power, your mind will reflect the peace that is a part of this force.

Q 14: We, Indians have a lot of faith in God. We live our life with a strong belief in God. In spite of this, murder, robbery, theft, cheating, and rape – all such sins seem to be increasing considerably. How do we prevent such activities? (Parambai Prakasam, Trichy).
A : In this world today, newspapers carry information only about all such sinful activities that you have mentioned. However, at the same time, there are also a number of good deeds being done in different parts of the world. The sinful activities that you have mentioned can change only if one undertakes to lead a spiritual life. 

Q 15: I would like to know about Siddars (sages). Please tell us about them Amma. (Ku.Murugan, Thiruvennainallur)
A: The Siddars have towering strength that reaches the sky. They mingle with the five elements and lead their lives. They live for the benefit of mankind. They have realized and experienced the Ultimate - Paramatma.

Q 16: “If girls become interested in spirituality, then they will not fall in love. They will not succumb to damaging the culture and tradition” is what my college friend tells me. Is this right? What should I do to move in the spiritual path and gain control over my mind? (Subbulakshmi, Nagerkoil)
A: If you take the spiritual path, there is not just one particular result. You will get all benefits. You will also gain a number of good and essential qualities like good character, discipline etc. To control your mind, follow the simple and easy method of ‘Namasmaranam’ or chanting God’s name repeatedly. You can choose the name of the God that you like most and chant the name in your mind as part of your prayers. You will be blessed with all the good things in life.

Q 17: I want to lead a selfless life. Please give me the blessings and advice for leading such a life. ( M.A.Velu, Melsesamangalam)
A : Amma blesses you. Follow the spiritual path that is available to you. Whatever you learn in the spiritual path, follow it in your life.

Q 18: What is your origin? What is the background for you to take up this spiritual path? Request you to explain. ( Pon. Sekar, Thiruvannamalai).
A: Divinity. Compassion for mankind in this Universe.

Q 19: Can you tell us who is your spiritual guru? (M Kumar, Madurantakam)
A: “Paramatma” – The Ultimate.

Q 20: “When you meditate you are able to realize a power that is above human strength. In that case, there is no need to worship God” says my friend. I am confused. Please show me the right direction. (Amudha, Saathankulam)
A: The power that is above human strength that your friend is referring to, is the Power of God. So, have total faith in God. Amma blesses you.

Q 21: Following the spiritual path – will it affect one’s family life? (Janani, Kodaikanal)
A: Spirituality brings goodness and happiness to one’s family life. 

Q 22: In temple festivals, we find that many people are involved in bodily painful activities such as piercing with sharp instruments, walking on fire and carrying kavadi etc., to complete their vows / prayers. What do you think of such devotees? ( Kavitha, Kanyakumari) 
A: That is their way of displaying their love and total Faith in God.

Q 23: In this world there are a number of people who suffer as they do not have food to eat. In mythology, it is said that God helped an ant that was locked in a small casket. Why does not God help these people who suffer without food? (Raman, Tirupur)
A: Who says God does not help. Even in today’s world, such help is happening in the form of good people.

Q 24: My wife and my children had misunderstood me. To forget this sorrow, I was pushed to the state of having liquor. I realized that drinking is evil, but by then I have reached a stage only to find out that my health has been affected badly. Could the sins committed during my previous birth be the reason for this state? (Pugazhendi, Vellore)
A: Pray to God with complete Faith and devotion to attain mental peace. Amma blesses you.

Q 25: I found that a friend of mine is leading a wrong life. My parents have asked me not to talk to her. Should I move away from her without saying anything? Or should I try to correct her? (Stella, Bangalore)
A: Doing something wrong means doing it without knowing that it is wrong. But a mistake is done knowingly. You try and understand in which state your friend is and act accordingly.

Q 26: I was hurt in life and so I tried to commit suicide. I was saved in the last minute. Can you tell me if there is any medicine for my mental agony in spirituality? (Kavitha, Mumbai)
A: The answer to your question is “God”. So, be confident. Go to a temple near your house and pray from the bottom of your heart with a lot of Bhakthi - faith and devotion. Amma blesses you to get all the goodness in life.

 Q 27: In 33 years of age, you have built the Golden Temple, which is considered a wonder and marvel in this world. Devotees like me feel that this is a great achievement. What do you think about this? (Santhanalakshmi, Thiruvananthapuram).
A: Of the many tasks for which Amma has come, one has been completed. 

Q 28: “To attain God, one has to renounce all desires and lead a simple life” has been the teachings of Buddha, Paramahamsa, Vivekananda and so on. They have also lived by this adage. But you have built a temple made out of gold. Won’t this increase the desires in mankind? (C.Akshaya, Tirunelveli)
A: When a mother wants to give medicine to a child, she entices the child with a sweet and gives the medicine. Likewise, Sripuram is the sweet that is used to tempt people, to give them the greatest medicine, ‘Knowledge’. This is the concept and purpose of Sripuram. Sripuram has the strength and power to attract and lure the world to attain this medicine. 

Q 29: There are a number of fake saints who cheat people and loot them for their wealth and end up with a bagful of sins. Please advice ways in which people can escape from such falsehood? (Kavignar Ponni, Chennai)
A: The fake saints do not come in search of people. It is the people who because of their lack of knowledge and excess desire go in search of such fake saints. When we believe that our sufferings are due to the Karma from our previous birth, God will provide us the strength to face and bear the sufferings; and because of the faith and devotion that you have, you will also gain mental peace.

Q 30: Today the price of gold has skyrocketed. To save money to purchase jewellery worth one sovereign for their daughter, parents go through immense suffering. In this scenario, you have built a temple fully made of gold. Your humble self would like to know the background of this action. If I have asked something wrong, I request you to forgive me. (Sivaraman, Thanjavur).
A: The films that are released in today’s world are produced with large sums of money, more than what has been spent in building Sripuram. What the world gets in return – 3 hours of entertainment and added to it, crooked thoughts that corrupt the mind. But Sripuram has developed into a place that helps one obtain splendid and excellent knowledge and mental peace that is priceless. The creation of Sripuram has been appreciated by people all over the world and they feel extremely happy about it.